January 21, 2021 1 min read

Once you get into contact with Volleyball or Beachvolleyball, it's hard to turn your back on it again. The sense of belonging to a team, being able and work together, find the best position depending on your strengths and skills for each player and find this fine tuning to make the team better. It's just an amazing sport and I found my best friends through it. 

What can you do if you fall in love with this beautiful game: 
- you should check if you school got a volleyball team and what you need to do to be able and be part of it
- check if there's a club in your area, where you could go and train & play with a team
- check if there's a beachvolleyball court (artificial one or at the beach, an indoor beachvolleyball court close to where you live
- talk to your PE teacher and see if they can help you

Once you found a place where someone offers volleyball/ beachvolleyball training - you're ready to get started. 
Normally the community is really welcoming and very including! 

If you're looking to improve your basic skills, like passing, setting, and serving you should get a ball so you can practice and get some repetitions in at home.
Have a look at my youtube videos for some basic skills you can do on you own.
